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The Museum spreads knowledge about the history of Lublin University of Technology, its outstanding employees and graduates by collecting all artefacts related to the university, their storage, conservation, scientific processing and sharing, as well as by organising occasional exhibitions.

The Museum's collection comprises more than 11,000 artefacts grouped into several categories. The richest is the collection of negatives and photographs (over 10,000 items) documenting the life of the university; most photographs date from the 1970s and 1980s. The collection of written documents includes prints and manuscripts: jubilee publications, old textbooks, newspaper articles, accoutrements: diplomas, posters, leaflets and invitations, as well as handwritten chronicles, student diaries, administrative documents, memoirs of students and staff. A group of academic memorabilia includes: medals, badges, pennants, commemorative stamps and numismats, seals, statuettes, metalwork, ceramics and woodwork. The Museum's collection also includes examples of representative garments used at the university in the past, such as rector's and dean's togas, as well as insignia and banners. Thanks to the commitment of enthusiasts of the history of technology, it has been possible to collect around 200 pieces of equipment used in the former studios, laboratories and other premises of the University of Technology.

These include specialised equipment such as an automatic microstructure analyser, an analogue machine, an endurance machine, microscopes, oscilloscopes, meters, but also home computers from the 1980s, typewriters and calculating machines, radio receivers, photographic accessories and other museum pieces, which are housed in a warehouse located in the modern laboratory building of the Lublin University of Technology: Innovation and Advanced Technology Centre. Due to the great exhibition potential of the aforementioned building, temporary exhibitions of the CINT Gallery are currently presented there, and the Museum is preparing to open a permanent exhibition.

The Lublin University of Technology Museum was established pursuant to Senate Resolution No. 34/2007/VIII of 20 December 2007 and the Rector's Order PL No. R - 62/2007 of 27 December 2007.


Museum Staff

mgr Blanka Malczarska b.malczarska@pollub.pl
mgr Agnieszka Wiśniewska a.wisniewska@pollub.pl


Innovation and Advanced Technology Centre (The Rusty Building)

Nadbystrzycka 36C

room 308A

tel. 81 538 48 40

e-mail: muzeum@pollub.pl


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