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The tasks of the Patent Information Centre include in particular:


  1. Providing information services in the field of: use of patent information resources; information on patent centers in Poland and abroad; presenting the latest sources of knowledge on patent information on the website.
  2. Cooperation with the Patent Attorney's Office of Lublin University of Technology in promoting intellectual property issues: organizing trainings and workshops on searching patent databases; preparing and distributing information on events related to the dissemination of knowledge on intellectual property; organizing and participating in conferences and exhibitions.
  3. Cooperation with the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland, Patent Information Centres and participation and collaboration in PATLIB network in the field of: providing access to domestic and foreign patent literature; creating, ordering and using patent databases; trainings, workshops and conferences aimed at raising qualifications.




Library of Mechanical Engineering Faculty

36 Nadbystrzycka St.,

room 11

mgr Aleksanda Żydek

tel. 81 538-4278

mgr Joanna Adamczuk 

tel. 81 538-4846

e-mail: patent@pollub.pl 


Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "NAZWA PROGRAMU" POWR.00.00.00-00-z000/00-00 Unia Europejska jest super! :-)

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